Friday, October 23, 2015

Fishing poem

The Vortex 
Not For Me 

The concrete jungle swallowed me up 
With all its pretty faces 
The lying eyes 
It's fast living 
Don't get caught up 
In the Black Hole -Dead Soul 
Agenda 21 - Population control 
Cage you like Rats -Suburbs
Money waiting to be made 
Money that will be spent 
Time flies by 
All the amusement 
All the fake friends 
Keeping me company 
The river is my friend 
I'll marry her 
Nothing fake about her flow
Promises promises promises 
You want a house payment
You'll pay it off 
Then you die 😱
I know what you need 
Stock options-401k 
Blah Blah Blah 
Just give me an RV 
And a fishing pole 
Some kayaks 
I'll slum 
Be a bum 
Pass my time 
Down at the river 
I retire from endless pursuit 
I've found my place 
Floating down 
Texas heaven 
Flowing water 
Largemouth Bass 
Rods bent 
The fight begins

Friday, November 14, 2014

Don Kayak News and Adventures: Brazos River Striped Bass Fishery .The Rise and Fa...

Don Kayak News and Adventures: Brazos River Striped Bass Fishery .The Rise and Fa...: This is my assessment of the Brazos river striper fishery below Whitney dam and my journey into the practice of catch and release. My the...

Brazos River Striped Bass Fishery .The Rise and Fall of the striper population and my journey into C&R


This is my assessment of the Brazos river striper fishery below Whitney dam and my journey into the practice of catch and release. My theory and knowledge ive gained from fishing and living in this area since 2009 . This is what I have learned  from talking to a few biologists I meet below the dam and the local people I have talked too. From March of 2012 till May of 2015 no water and no fish have came through the gates of the Lake Whitney dam.To clarify the gates are at the top of the dam wall. The turbines do run water out from the bottom of the lake but the fish that come through there are injured and usually become fish food. .But not since the lake was 5 feet high back in the spring of 2012 the gates have not been opened . And when this happens the striped bass and white bass are heavily stocked in the river and you can observe them schooling below the dam eating shad. But from what I have seen and observed there is very few white bass in the river now. Back in 2012 you could catch lots of them up and down the river . I haven't caught one since the fall of that year but white bass are still there and they do reproduce . But this has all changed since we got tons of rain in May of 2015. 
Water and fish came through the top gates of the dam . And it's been restocked with Stripers and sandies. There is tons of smaller Stripers and there fiesty. Here is a double Striper hookup on a 5 inch topwater lure . Lots of fun 😀

Do Stripers Reproduce In the Brazos River ???? The stripers I have caught are 24 inches or bigger , nothing smaller than that . Another reason to think that stripers don't reproduce below Whitney . The biologists confirm this .And there is only one lake or river were stripers reproduce in Texas  . Its the Red River at Lake Texoma. But back to Whitney. Its  40 miles from Whitney dam to the Lake Brazos dam in Waco. There is a river expert that belives they have reproduced below Whitney in seasons of heavy rainful in the spring . This angler has been on this river for over 20 years and said the years he belives they have reproduced was in 1992 and 1997. Biologist say they cant , they need hundreds of miles of flowing water to spawn there eggs. The only way they get stocked in the Brazos is if they come over the dam when the gates are open .And the only species that the TPWD stock below the dam is Smallmouth Bass. People have told me they come through the turbines but I don't belive that . Because the river would still produce catches of smaller ones in the 16 to 20 inch range and it hasn't .And these smaller ones haven't been caught in years . Stripers are caught in rare numbers now and they all are 23 inches and bigger. The 3 biggest ones ive caught are from 34 inches to 37 inches . In spring 2013 several people caught and released one that was 40inches. In the fall of 2013 , I belive this striper was killed by a bow fisherman. I know a kayaker that found him died and he had an arrow in him .He hasn't been caught since . A heavy rain that fills the lake would change this and restock the river.


The Rise of Largemouth Bass fishery .
Because of the drought and the lack of stripers the largemouth bass have grown big and have less different species to contend with for food. The catch of a 5lb largemouth is very common and a few 10lb bass were caught this year -25 inches or more .

Because striped bass are a rare catch , most people keep them to take home to show friends . That's probably why they get fished out of the river in a few years . In years past I saw people taking home there limit of them . Because of this I practice catch and release now and try to keep the river stocked . Ive observed Striper deaths if they are not released soon after the catch . They must be returned within a few minutes. So if your taking pictures. Make Haste !!!Thanks and keep our Texas fisheries healthy.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

YakABassin News and Adventures: Don YakABassin .My story and how i got started kay...

YakABassin News and Adventures: Don YakABassin .My story and how i got started kay...: Ok this is my first blog . Im Don, a kayak fishing guide in the Waco area . I started river guide fishing in 2014 and also organizing kayak ...

Don Kayak .My story and how I got started kayak fishing .

Ok this is my first blog . Im Don a kayak fishing guide in the Waco area . I started river guide fishing in 2014 and also organizing kayak bass tournaments .I have lived in the Brazos river area around Lake Whitney for 4 years .In 2010 I started fishing from the bank on Lake Whitney and the Brazos River. I had great success fishing the tailwaters below Lake Whitney dam . Mostly catching 5lb largemouth bass and big blue catfish. In 2011 I caught a 20lb striped bass, I was hooked for life .
Since then I have caught 2 more close to that size .
Enough bragging - Back to the story .In 2011 I got my first kayak I purchased from my landlord for $200 -Heritage angler14.
I wanted to start my adventure on the greatest river in texas - The Brazos .Having loved the book Goodbye to a River.  I was on my way exploring , I mostly took my kayak around the upper part of lake whitney in those days . I lived in a slum hole off 2604 . The locals call it  20skitz04 .Even though it was run down  I loved it. Growing up in Fort Worth , I always loved to escape the city and couldn't wait to escape it for good.In 2012 I got a pay raise at the sand plant and moved to the Brazos river. You could find me yakin up and down the Brazos river . That's were I got the name RiverRat.
Things were going great and Tragedy Struck. For family reasons I had to move back to Fort Worth , I missed the river and dreamed about it every night. My friend jon took me to denton creek some but It wasn't the same and I worked hard to get back . Worked security jobs and drove an airport shuttle bus at DFW . At DFW I shuttled Mr Crappie and he gave me some ideas how to make my passion -my job . I lived at Budget suites of America for a year and got to move back 😀
In 2014 I bought 3 kayaks -pescador12-apex10 -pelican and a fishing license.
My first client I took on the Nolan river ,a lawyer from san antonio. Then I guided Mike and Michael and another Michael and his girlfriend. Also few locals and meet some new great friends .
In Feb 2014 I organized my first tournament at Lake Aquilla , we had 8 competiors  .  We held a total of 5 tournaments this year , with 30 total people showing up .The most successful was at Brazos park east in april we had 11 people.

 I got first place at the river bassin tournament stop in Waco Texas.

We had some fun tournaments .Its kind of like Mike Iaconelli says Never Give Up .
 Well now im starting out blogging and fishing  . Hope to see you on the river soon .
Here is some great pics from this year and my best youtube video .

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My first blog. Im scouting out the Nolan River for future fishing guide trip potential.

Ok this is my first blog . Im Don, a kayak fishing guide in the Waco area . I started river guide fishing in 2014 and also organizing kayak bass tournaments .I have lived in the Brazos river area around lake whitney for 4 years . Here we go .

 We are putting the Nolan river on the kayak fishing map . We are going to expose this river to all of our followers . A little info about it . The Nolan river is a clear river with a limestone bottom in north central texas .There is also a Nolan river shelter that has been recognized by the texas archeology society as lived in by ancient Texans . The cave is on Corp land and can be accessed by the public .Were looking .BACK TO FISHING > The fishing is great for white bass . My wife Jess Bassin and I went out to check the river out . We put in at Nolan river park .
Which is a 5 mile drive through a ranchers private property on a dirt road off hwy174. Hence = read the signs, don't get out of car. We paddled down the river to were it flows into the Brazos river . It was windy raining and 50 degrees , very cold .We were surrounded by beautiful 200 foot limestone cliffs.

We didn't get to stay very long . We were drenched , the forecast changed and we got the 3 inches of ran that was supposed to stay north of us.
We got to throw a few lures , and caught one small bass
Check out this shot of the 25mph winds and cold rain.
We are going back out there soon too fish again . This might just be a good fishing location during the fish spawn , will see. Hopeing it is a very productive fishing area because its a beautiful paddle and would like to take people on kayak trips there.Thanks and will keep you posted.
Nolan river fishing video