Friday, October 23, 2015

Fishing poem

The Vortex 
Not For Me 

The concrete jungle swallowed me up 
With all its pretty faces 
The lying eyes 
It's fast living 
Don't get caught up 
In the Black Hole -Dead Soul 
Agenda 21 - Population control 
Cage you like Rats -Suburbs
Money waiting to be made 
Money that will be spent 
Time flies by 
All the amusement 
All the fake friends 
Keeping me company 
The river is my friend 
I'll marry her 
Nothing fake about her flow
Promises promises promises 
You want a house payment
You'll pay it off 
Then you die 😱
I know what you need 
Stock options-401k 
Blah Blah Blah 
Just give me an RV 
And a fishing pole 
Some kayaks 
I'll slum 
Be a bum 
Pass my time 
Down at the river 
I retire from endless pursuit 
I've found my place 
Floating down 
Texas heaven 
Flowing water 
Largemouth Bass 
Rods bent 
The fight begins